So how do you go about finding a yoga and mindfulness program, and what program will be right for you? You have to ask yourself what you want to gain from the program. If you want to learn to teach yoga then a yoga teacher training will be your best bet. If you want to integrate mindfulness into your personal and professional life then you might want a program that leverages yoga but focuses on mindfulness. Meditation certification courses are also a great way to go if you’re wanting to deepen your practice and improve your overall ability to access inner peace. Regardless of which selection you chose, you’ll need to determine the format that will work best for you and your price point before you move forward.
If you’re a young professional you may want to try an in-person training. If in-person is the way to go you will want to identify if you are looking for in-person yoga teacher training, meditation training, or mindfulness training. These days, all of these types of training can be found by googling the training you’re looking for followed by the phrase “near me”. This will help you find an appropriate in-person training that will fit your schedule and pocketbook.
If you’re a new mom or dad you may want to try to find a weekend training or an online training. If you’re looking at weekend training make sure you can commit to each weekend. You don’t want to miss more than one weekend of a substantial training program. If you’re looking at online training you want to make sure that it’s something that is attainable for you. Trainings that are too long, too expensive, or that expire may not be the most feasible options.
If you have older kids you may want to consider what commitments they have before you commit to a training outside the home. Again, if you enroll in something that is meant to help you grow, and as a result, you become stressed out due to the scheduling conflicts you’re experiencing you will not gain as much from the experience. Setting yourself up for success is important, and when it comes to mindfulness and yoga success comes when you’re able to be present in the exercise so that you can take that lived experience into your real life.
If you have children who are out of the house or perhaps you don’t have children at all then you’re in the clear and you can select whatever program works best for you. You might even consider going on location or on retreat. There are so many yoga and mindfulness-based retreats and training all over the world that are truly transformative. If you have the opportunity to immerse yourself in another culture while deepening your practice you might want to seize the day. There is no better way to learn and quickly apply the tools and techniques of mindfulness and yoga to your life than to immerse yourself in another culture.
Once you’ve decided what format and training is most suitable for you it’s time for you to take the next step and register for training. We found that many students prefer online formats because they can work on their training when it’s convenient for them. That said, some students love the structure of being in the classroom. That’s why we have both.