
Ways of Telling if Ayurveda is Working

by | Feb 5, 2023 | Ayurvedic Nutrition

Ayurveda is a way of treating and healing a person with a combination of applications, such as herbal remedies, massage therapy, yoga, and meditation. Ayurveda is one of the oldest forms of traditional medicine.

Ayurvedic treatment works by curing the root cause of the illness. The World Health Organization recognizes it as a credible form of healthcare. You can tell Ayurveda is working by the way you are feeling based on your doshas or life forces.

Ayurveda has been shown to help many people. If you want to know ways to tell if Ayurveda is working, this article can answer your questions.

What Exactly is Ayurvedic Treatment?

Ayurveda is a form of medical care that is prevalent in India. It is based on the three doshas which represent the forces in life. These include Vata, Kapha, and pitta. The state of each dosha determines an individual’s physiological, mental, and emotional health. Ayurvedic doctors in India receive specialized training to be able to practice.

Ayurvedic practitioners are not recognized in the United States. There are some Ayurvedic schools where students can become educated about the practice of Ayurveda. Ayurvedic treatment includes:

  • Purification process
  • Herbal remedies
  • Diets based on dosha
  • Massage therapy
  • Sound therapy
  • Acupuncture
  • Meditation
  • Yoga

The purpose of Ayurvedic treatment is to balance the mind, body, and spirit. Treatment helps you to identify where you are having health challenges. It is one of the oldest traditional forms of medicine. There are five elements involved in Ayurveda: fire, water, air, earth, and ether. In most individuals, two elements may be more dominant than the others.

What About the Doshas?

There are three doshas involved in Ayurveda. These include Vata, Kapha, and Pitta. They represent the energy in someone. Sickness often results from an imbalance in any of these energies:

  • Vata is considered the most powerful dosha. It involves the cardiovascular system and the respiratory system. Balanced vatta energy promotes creativity and productivity. If the Vata is out of balance, it can lead to feelings of fear and anxiety.
  • Pitta controls the digestive system and metabolism of the individual. It is responsible for the delicate balance of hormones in the body. When it is in balance, it results in clarity and intelligence. If Pitta is out of balance, it can lead to feelings of anger and impatience.
  • Kapha involves muscle growth, strength, and stability in the lungs and lymph nodes. It helps promote a healthy immune system. When in balance, Kapha nurtures forgiveness and love. When it is out of balance, it can trigger feelings of jealousy and insecurity.

In individuals, one or two of the doshas are more dominant than the others. Any imbalance can present itself through illness and disease. Ayurvedic treatment aims to put the doshas back into balance. IT may be done with the use of herbal remedies, yoga or meditation, a specialized diet, or a combination of all of these components. The body will also require detoxification, especially if cholesterol is an issue.

Where Does Ayurveda Come From?

Ayurveda originated in India during the 2nd century BC.  It was born from ancient Hindu teachings. There were two schools of thought. One was called Vaisheshika, which was based on the patient’s current condition, and relied on their perception and inference to make determinations. The other was called Nyaya, which was based on the patient’s history prior to treatment.

The two of these schools of thought came together and became Ayurveda. The belief is centered around the idea that the Hindu God placed this knowledge of holistic healing into the world for people to learn from and put into practice. The system is said to be based on the teachings in the Vedas, which was a book of wisdom.

The Sanskrit meaning of the word Ayurveda is “the sacred knowledge of life.” Ayurveda was put on the back burner when the British Empire invaded India’s political system. However, when India won their independence in 1947, Ayurveda became the chief form of healthcare practiced in the country. These beliefs spread toward the west when yoga first became popular.

How Effective is Ayurvedic Treatment?

Ayurvedic treatment has been shown to be effective. This form of healthcare has been practiced for thousands of years, solidifying its credibility. The World Health Organization acknowledges Ayurveda as a traditional form of healthcare. 80 percent of people in India utilize some form of traditional Ayurvedic medicine.

Ayurvedic medicine has long been used, not as an alternative medicine, but as a traditional form of healthcare. Yoga and meditation have proven to be helpful in conjunction with conventional therapies. The perception of the validity of herbal remedies is not as widespread in the United States. However, some of these herbs have been known to help people.

How Long Does it Take for Ayurveda to Work?

Ayurvedic medicines take anywhere from three months to a year to be effective. It depends on the strength of individual immunity and the person’s specific health condition. Ayurveda is a natural form of medicine whose practitioners believe in curing the root cause of the illness, which requires more than just a “quick fix” solution.

Ayurvedic medicine is not a short-term relief remedy that will work abruptly and then stop working.  The tradition is based on a long line of careful thinking and studied philosophies. It is deeply rooted in ancient Hindu beliefs and practices.

How Can I Learn More About Ayurvedic Treatment?

You can take Ayurveda courses online. The National Ayurvedic Medical Association is the main certifying organization in the realm of Ayurveda. You are not legally required to obtain a certification in Ayurveda. Some Ayurveda programs are also certified by Yoga Alliance due to yoga being an integral part of Ayurvedic healing.

Some of the schools certifying Ayurveda:

  • Sarasvati Ayurveda Institute involves pranayama, meditation, and yoga. Certified by Yoga Alliance
  • Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health Training involves learning the doshas, cooking, psychology, and yoga
  • Minnesota Institute of Ayurveda Training teaches the complex aspects of Ayurveda like imbalances and dosha states
  • Ananda Ayurveda Academy teaches how traditional beliefs of Ayurveda can complement modern lifestyles

The California College of Ayurveda is another great institution for learning and personal growth. Ayu Academy is a wonderful online platform that teaches you to become an Ayurvedic Health Coach.


Ayurveda is a form of healthcare based on ancient beliefs and practices. It works by balancing your doshas and curing the root of the disease. You can learn more about Ayurveda from any of the above reliable resources.


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