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Root Chakra Vinyasa Sequence
Staff Writer
Feb 18, 2022
Chakras, Pranayama & Energy
What is your root chakra?
Known in Sanskrit as Muladhara chakra, the root chakra is represented by the element earth. In yoga philosophy, chakras are
subtle bodies
, or energy centers, located along the base of the spine and Muladhara is the first of seven
. It is responsible for helping us feel secure and grounded in our experience. The
root chakra
is associated with the color red and is associated in yoga with the bija mantra seed sound
.  Â
When the root chakra is balanced, we feel stable, certain, and connected to source. In
, we call this energetic state of being sattvic. In this state, we are able to confidently practice discernment and can trust our intuition to inform and guide us.Â
An imbalanced root chakra can contribute to issues around home, health, trust, maintaining boundaries, and feeling connected to foundation.Â
Where is your root chakra?
The root chakra is located just below the tailbone at the base of the spine. In yogic philosophy, it represents our connection to family, core values, and the right to be.Â
What affirmations are good for root chakra?
Affirmations are positive statements that confirm something to be true. Affirmations are a helpful tool for improving self-esteem and embodying certain qualities we endeavor to possess. Affirmations can be added to any yoga routine or used as an accessible part of many
. You can introduce affirmations first thing in the morning, before practice, or anytime throughout the day as a way to connect and reground. Affirmations for the root chakra include:
I am supported
I am enough
I have the right to be hereÂ
I have the right to take up space
I have everything I need in and around me
I am here, I am supported by the earthÂ
I am abundantÂ
What poses are good for root chakra?
Poses that bring awareness to the tailbone and low back are wonderful for root chakra. Poses like dandasana, malasana, and happy baby are all examples of seated or supine poses that are good for root chakra. Standing poses like warrior I, warrior II, goddess, and tadasana are grounding because they bring awareness to the foundation beneath us.Â
Root chakra
This root chakra mini
vinyasa flow
is great first thing in the morning or anytime you need to feel grounded and whole. Feel free to incorporate
yoga props
such as blocks for support.
Begin in sukhasana, easy seat
Allow the sits bones to be heavy on the earth, lifting through the heart and lengthening the spine
Tent up on the fingers by placing them on either side of the hips. You can use blocks for support under your hips or under the palms
Breath from the tailbone to the crown of the head. Gently close down the eyes and repeat the following affirmation: I am here. I am supported. I am whole. Repeat the affirmation as many times as you’d like
Bring the hands to the heart center and gently open the eyes.
Inhale your arms overhead, exhale twist left. Stay for 3-5 breaths keeping the sits bones rooted to the earth
Inhale back to center. Exhale twist right. Stay for 3-5 breaths keeping the sits bones rooted, lengthening the spine. Repeat the affirmation, I am here. I am supported. I am whole
Inhale back through center, exhale fold forward. Your hands can find blocks or the earth as you release the palms down. Soften the gaze or close down the eyes.Â
Inhale, gaze forward and gently walk the hands towards the body
Switch the cross if the legs and take the entire sequence again
Come into tabletop
Inhale, lower the belly, lift the gaze for cow pose
Exhale, lower the gaze, round into the back for cat pose
Continue moving with your breath, articulating the length of the spine and bringing extra awareness to the tailbone. Imagine energy moving up and around you. Repeat the affirmation I am here. I am supported. I am whole.
Repeat 3-5 rounds then inhale coming back to tabletop
On the next exhale tuck the toes coming into downward facing dog. Bend the knees a lot. Option for blocks under the hands to help with stability and support.
Pedal out the knees even with the breath.
Inhale, bring your gaze forward
Exhale step the right foot forward and lower the left knee coming into low lunge
Shift forward and back feeling the spine long and the lower body rooted
On the next exhale, shift the hips back and flex into the right foot finding ardha hanumanasana. Stay here for 3-5 breaths. Repeat the affirmation, I am here. I am supported. I am whole.
Inhale back to low lunge
Pressing through the palms shift back to tabletop
Come into a wide-legged child’s pose for 3-5 breaths. Repeat the affirmation. I am here. I am supported. I am whole.Â
On the next inhale gaze forward coming back to tabletop.
From tabletop, exhale tuck the toes coming into downward facing dog, taking similar or different options than you did the first time.Â
Inhale, gaze forward
Exhale step the left foot forward and lower the right knee coming into low lunge
Shift forward and back feeling the spine long and the lower body rooted
On the next exhale, shift the hips back and flex into the left foot finding ardha hanumanasana. Stay here for 3-5 breaths. Repeat the affirmation, I am here. I am supported. I am whole.
Inhale back to low lunge
Pressing through the palms shift back to tabletop
Come into a wide-legged child’s pose for 3-5 breaths. Repeat the affirmation.Â
Come into savasana and allow the natural breath to arrive
Repeat the affirmation I am here. I am supported. I am whole as many times as like, taking time to come back
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Sacral Chakra Vinyasa
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