Muladhara chakra is our root chakra and it represents our sense of security and safety in the world. Can we heal ourselves? The answer to what seems a mystery lies in ancient practices.
Yoga teaches us about the chakras and their connection to our physical, emotional, and spiritual selves. These energetic wheels along the length of the spine receive the elemental energy around us and synthesize it for use within the body. This energy has been manipulated, directed, and used as a healing modality for millennia.
In this piece, we’ll explore Muladhara – the root chakra. It’s positioned near the base of the spine, right above the pelvic floor. The Sanskrit word, Muladhara, is a combination of mula or “root” and adhara, “base”.
You can think of this chakra as your support in this world, affirming: I feel safe, I trust, or simply, I am. When imbalanced, the root chakra causes feelings of fear, mistrust, and anxiety. It’s healthy to experience the full range of emotions as they are essential to our spiritual development. But, we don’t want to stay there!. Here are a few ways to balance, exercise, and shine light on your root chakra.
The color associated with the root chakra is red. Dynamic and intriguing, red symbolizes vitality and our survival instincts. Of course, you can wear red clothing to balance this chakra in addition to engaging with objects that are red. Try placing a garnet gemstone in your pocket or pick-up a bouquet of red roses and add them to your space.
Root vegetables are especially effective in balancing the root chakra because of their connection to the earth.
Roasted beets are an easy and delicious way to eat for your root chakra. You can toss them on a salad, have them as a side dish, or mix them into a delicious veggie burger. Not into beets? Potatoes, carrots, parsnips, and radish will all do the trick!
The Muladhara mudra activates and stimulates the organs that are associated with your root chakra. Hold this mudra for a few minutes to ground yourself and remember that you are safe. Alternately, use the Ganesha mudra for a boost of energy to overcome any obstacle.
There are several postures associated with the root chakra including sukhasana (easy pose), uttanasana (standing forward fold), tadasana (mountain pose), and malasana (garland pose). These postures help us root down to the earth and recognize our connection to it. Plus, they are a nice break from stress if you’re feeling anxious!
Chanting the sanskrit word “LAM” vibrates from your vocal cords all the way down to the tip of your spine, cleansing the root chakra of blockages that may be holding you back. Affirmations like, “I feel safe and secure,” “I trust myself,” and “I have what I need,” are useful for bringing this chakra into alignment with your true self.
What do you do to keep your root chakra in balance? Tell us in the comments below!